More and more men are facing problems in the field of sexuality. Bad habits, frequent stress, increased stress - all of these negatively affect erections and can lead to complete impotence in the future. Do not forget that men rarely eat properly, which also negatively affects the condition of the organs. In such cases, you need to find additional medications that allow you to restore the brightness of the sensation and a stable erection.

But there is one but. The problem is that the action of most drugs for men is aimed at blood flow to the penis and improving the function of the nervous system, which increases sensitivity. Such drugs act quickly, but they do not eliminate the cause of the violation. To regain confidence in an erection and once again delight your partner with a long action, you need to relieve stress as much as possible and provide the body with all the necessary ingredients. That is why vitamins are needed to increase potency.
The main vitamin for men
First of all, you need to consider vitamins for potency, which can be obtained in the form of medicines and from food. They can also be included in the complex. So, to improve an erection, first of all, you need vitamin C. It is generally accepted that it has a positive effect on immunity. But it turns out that it is vitamin C that improves the condition of blood vessels and makes their walls elastic.
Already due to this, the following effects are observed:
- immunity is strengthened;
- hormone production is normalized;
- tumor progression is inhibited;
- helps relieve stress;
- mood up.
Stress is often the cause of problems with potential; regular use of vitamin C allows you to relieve stress and, as a result, increase potency.
Already these qualities are enough to ensure that men do not have unnecessary panic about erections, which especially often leads to a decrease in potency. You can get vitamins by eating vegetables, bell peppers, citrus fruits and berries. Vitamin C in tablets or included in the complex will also be effective.
Vitamin C, obtained from food, is not absorbed by men who smoke. Therefore, in such cases, multivitamin complexes will be more effective.
The next male vitamin is E. With a deficiency of this element muscle weakness is observed, which can also lead to decreased erections. It is also necessary for the normal formation of spermatozoa. In men with obvious tocopherol deficiency, there is a decrease in appetite, erectile dysfunction and weight gain due to the deposition of adipose tissue. But it is very important that it is vitamin E that is involved in the formation of blood cells. It is found in tomatoes, seafood, olives, milk and liver. It is very beneficial to take a complex that includes vitamin E and zinc.
The next vitamin needed for men is D. It helps increase libido and improve erections. You can also get it from products and in the form of pharmaceutical preparations. In addition, B vitamins are mandatory for men. Each of them has a positive effect on potential. In addition, the following effects are observed when using complexes with this vitamin:
- increased heart work;
- surges of strength and energy;
- improvement of the nervous system;
- potential increase;
- weight normalization.
Since all B vitamins without exception are useful for men, it is most advantageous to choose a complex that includes several ingredients at once.
Minerals for men
As a rule, the complex includes not only vitamins, but also trace elements. Accordingly, it is important to highlight which of them influences male power. First of all, it is zinc. With its shortcomings, almost all men start having problems with potency and decreased attractiveness. To maintain the normal function of the genitals, it is enough to receive at least 15 grams of zinc per day. If there is a problem, then the dose should be increased to 20 grams.
Selenium also affects potency. Given that almost 50% of this element accumulates in the testicles, it becomes clear that with a decrease in the amount of this substance in the body, problems arise, especially from the side of potency. In addition, it should be noted that it is selenium that protects the body from toxins and prevents cancer.
Fatty acids are important for men. Thanks to them, it is possible to improve blood circulation and restore potency. In addition, the substance affects the state of the heart and nervous system. But it is very important that with a lack of fatty acids, the process of testosterone production is disrupted. If these male hormones are found in low concentrations, men have problems with both erection and attraction.
Complex setup
Vitamins and trace elements that increase potency and increase attractiveness are presented in very large quantities. Therefore, it is more advantageous to choose a complex that includes several elements at once.
To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to use a complex that contains all the necessary vitamins.
Vitamins and micronutrients should be taken by all men without exception. They will help not only eliminate problems with potency, but also improve the general condition, which means they will reduce the likelihood of disease, including those caused by nervous tension. You need to choose a name along with the doctor, because all drugs have their own characteristics and dosage.